Gender Equality Network

🤝 Cegid GEN in a few words

Published on March 4, 2022 by Orlane Malatray

Welcome to the Cegid Gender Equality Network.

Cegid Gender Equality Network is a joint network in favor of gender equality. 👩🏾‍🦰💯

Its goals ?
Boost women carreer development, gender diversity, reconciliation of lifetimes, equal pay and fight sexism. But for this, we need your involvement !

We have opened our network to all Cegid members.

No matter your gender or your function within Cegid, you can get involved in our actions.
Because the diversity of your profiles and your knowledge will make the strength of our network.

Why this choice? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏻

Because we strongly believe that our differences are a strength.

We therefore seek a diversity of views, experiences and knowledge on this subject.
It is only through this that we will be able to succeed in terms of gender equality.

But before committing ourselves, let's start by having a global vision of the network.

The idea of this network is to set ambitious (but achievable) goals 📈, while organising around each other's strengths and interests.

The idea is to get involved around 5 key commitments, each carried by a leader:

    1. Developing a better reconciliation of lifetimes, particularly with regard to parenthood
      (Miguel-Angel Martin Sanchez)
    1. Promoting women's access to the tech sector and achieve gender balance in our teams
      (Patricia Santoni)
    1. Achieve equal pay for equal work and equal skills
      (Pascal Guillemin)
    1. Identify, prevent and address any situation of gender-based violence and sexual harassment
      (Sonia Gelein)
    1. Develop the presence of women in managerial functions and positions of responsability
      (Pascal Houillon)

Working groups will be set up around each of these commitments.
We want them to be as collaborative as possible, depending on your strengths and skills. 🤝

Thus, it will be up to the members of the group to define the objectives and the action plan of their commitment.

But don't worry: we are here to guide you and give you some ideas for action. 🙂

In practical terms, what is the process for getting involved?
There are two possibilities:

  • You can either become a member and get involved in a working group (only one)

  • Or you can just become a member and support the network in its entirety

    If you become a member of Cegid GEN some time after its official launch:
    there is no problem, you can join your working group along the way. ⏳

This network will be supported by this Community platform. 📍
It is here that you will be able to inform yourself and follow the news of the subjects,
but also to consult the events relating to the network.

We let you explore each of the commitments in more detail.

If you haven't yet chosen the one you want to commit to, now is the time to find the one that inspires you the most. 🔝